This website is dedicated to Jesus’ devoted helper and our friend and teacher, Kenneth Wapnick, Ph.D. His understanding and teachings on the Course are unparalleled in depth and breadth. His example of selflessness has inspired everyone who knew him.
School for A Course in Miracles Mission:
When you are ready to seriously study, learn, and practice “A Course in Miracles,” the School for A Course in Miracles online classes and website are definitely worth exploring as a wonderful pathway to healing and forgiveness…
The School for A Course in Miracles, based in Denver, Colorado, is committed to the education and application of the teachings of A Course in Miracles. The School’s classes and workshops are presented primarily online. Occasionally we do in-person events.
Through learning and understanding the Course through the many teachings of Dr. Kenneth Wapnick, the world renowned authority on A Course in Miracles, the School’s teachers present a unified and cohesive message. We offer students a consistent and (we believe) an incredibly helpful alternative to the many varied points of view about what the Course says and means.
Collectively our faculty has studied the Course for hundreds of years with Dr. Wapnick and the extensive materials he provided his students to keep the Course “on course”. Through the use of his books, CDs, and DVDs, Dr. Wapnick’s influence is found in all the offerings of the School for A Course in Miracles.
As with any spiritual path there is a strong temptation by its followers to alter the original teaching to make it easier and more acceptable, and in so doing they dilute the teachings to the point of making them ineffective. The SFACIM, formerly School of Reason, was founded by three long-time Course students in 2007, who experienced this alteration and dilution as they visited Course groups throughout the country. They joined together to create a school in Denver to preserve the original teachings and offer them to others.
SFACIM is known for offering accelerated learning programs for students and aspiring teachers of A Course in Miracles. It presents a cohesive and consistent approach to a student’s education beginning with a thorough understanding of the Course’s simple yet nontraditional metaphysics. This is followed by application and acceleration of the change of mind the Course aims for and a recognition of the benefits by the student as he becomes a happy learner.
For the serious student, the Course presents a lifetime practice of healing and forgiveness. SFACIM offers classes and programs for every stage of the journey. A student can see a path of Course education before him and be assured of consistency in the message and a high quality of teaching and mentoring.
Call 720 391 9294 (Tim Wise) for more information, or click here for upcoming events and classes.
School for A Course in Miracles Vision:
Our vision is the creation of a community that exists in the minds of individuals who share the same love for “A Course in Miracles” with its message of forgiveness. We also share the same gratitude to Jesus our teacher who gave the Course to us, and we appreciate and study and learn as a community Dr. Kennth Wapnick’s many teachings on ACIM.
The Ark of Peace
School for A Course in Miracles is organized under the non-profit 501c3, Ark of Peace, which was founded in 1990 by school director, Lyn Corona, for the purpose of extending the message of peace through forgiveness as presented by A Course in Miracles. Since the inception of the Ark of Peace, it originally had a retreat center called Heaven on Earth in Pine, Colorado; a Miracles Center (1991) on South Pearl, which later moved to 924 Logan St.; The Pearl Street Abbey, a residential community for teaching and learning the Course; The Satsang Cafe, with an upper room for Course classes; and now the School for A Course in Miracles (formerly School of Reason) — all to fulfill its mission to extend the teachings of the Course.
There are currently many versions of the Course on the market. In all of the School’s classes, workshops, and retreats, we only use (and recommend getting) the “A Course in Miracles” printing from 1992 or newer... specifically published by the Foundation for Inner Peace. It contains numbered paragraphs and sentences throughout the entire book for easy reference.