Series of Twenty-two Class Replays for Beginners…
This Back-to-Basics series includes 22 video class replays (approx. 75-90 minutes each) on A Course in Miracles basic themes of forgiveness and healing… and eighteen other fundamental ACIM topics including what is a miracle, what is the Holy Spirit, and what is the ego.
This carefully designed series of 22 classes will give you a structured understanding of A Course in Miracles and the way to apply it in your life. Great for new folks or those fairly new to ACIM!
These twenty-two introductory classes also give those who want to teach A Course in Miracles… a helpful and methodical approach to presenting and sharing ACIM with others.
We will email you the unlisted link for the entire Beginner Back-to-Basic Series of 22 Video replays when you make a one time donation of $52:
Please click here to donate.
Our 22 recorded Youtube videos in our Back-to-Basic series for beginners are also available to those who are currently donating
a minimum of $30 a month to the School for ACIM.