Summer Break 2024: Classes resume August 1st!
No online classes from June 27th to July 31st, 2024
Lyn Corona Mentoring Sessions
Your inheritance as spirit and a child of God is lasting peace, happiness, and life without end. You are ready to learn the way to this treasure when you become disillusioned with your own ability to bring about your inheritance through your own striving and effort. Everyone will eventually reach this point where he thinks “there must be a better way”.
My goal in mentoring is to help you choose this way sooner rather than later. Once this occurs, true learning can begin. You will not be happy and free until you know yourself as God created you. This does not require any extraordinary effort on your part.
God knows His way to you. All you need to learn is how not to interfere.
As your mentor I can save you time in learning how not to interfere. All that is required on your part is the willingness to change your mind. I would be honored to assist you if you so desire in this extraordinary process of un-learning what you have taught yourself so you can learn the “better way”. I am not the teacher in this endeavor.
But it is my honor and privilege to introduce you to the true Teacher and help you to recognize the joy in learning that only the truth is true. The importance of a holy relationship with this invisible Friend (called the Holy Spirit in ACIM) cannot be underestimated. He brings you back to God by reminding you of your true identity through the experience of true forgiveness. Miracles are the result of learning this from Him.
Once the universe of learning becomes real for you, you will not look back. You have entered the realm of spirit where you will begin to experience your True Self. This may sound like a fairy tale, but I assure you, because of spending the better part of my life learning from this Teacher, that it is true.
Several years ago, I made a deep commitment to my own healing and that of others with this prayer from A Course in Miracles:
“I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do,
because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes,
knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.”
– T. 2. V. A.8: 2-6.
With the inspiration and guidance of this prayer in mind, I am offering mentoring sessions.
About Lyn Corona…
Lyn began offering workshops, classes and retreats for those who were interested in the Course’s teachings in 1986. She is the founder and president of the non-profit Ark of Peace and co-founder, director, and faculty member of School for A Course in Miracles (formerly School of Reason). Lyn began her study of the Course in 1976 and is a devoted student of its message of peace through forgiveness.
In discovering the work of Course scholar, Kenneth Wapnick, she found her teacher, colleague and friend. His teachings have become part of her ever deepening understanding of the message of the Course.
Questions? contact:
If you would like to schedule mentoring sessions with Lyn, please call and set up a free consultation. She may be reached at 303-880-7713. Consultations last 20-30 minutes, and after a brief conversation, we can determine together if mentoring could be useful, as well as the frequency of the mentoring sessions.
Lyn offers mentoring sessions Tuesdays through Fridays.
Mentoring sessions are available twice per month or four times per month… for a six month period.
You have the option to pay $120 a month for two sessions per month, $240 a month for four sessions per month,
Or you may opt to pay in full for the six months:
Twice a month- $675 for six months, four times a month for six months-$1350 .
These six month series of mentoring sessions are available only to people who have worked with ACIM for at least a few months, and are also familiar with Ken Wapnick’s teachings on A Course in Miracles.
Six month mentoring sessions, paid monthly, or in full, use this donate link and call Lyn to let her know what you have chosen (303 880 7713) and also to set up a mentoring schedule… thanks!
Please click here to donate.
Single sessions are only available as “tune-ups” for students that have already done mentoring sessions with Lyn... students that have gone through any of the Immersion programs, or Course students who have been regularly coming to SFACIM classes for a few months or more.
** If you do not see the yellow Buy Now link below, click here
Beginners 5-Week Class: Tues. Evenings In Oct. 2023 (begins 10/3/23)
Five Week Online Introduction to A Course in Miracles,
using Zoom…
with School for A Course in Miracles Facilitators
Five Tuesdays in Oct. 2023
@ 6:30-7:45pm Mountain Time.
Classes are approx. 75 minutes each.
(5:30pm Pacific, 7:30pm Central, 8:30pm Eastern)
10/3/23 thru 10/31/23
We especially invite those new or fairly new to A Course in Miracles to come attend.
Come and join us for a six week introduction to A Course in Miracles (ACIM)…. and get a glimpse into this truly helpful book with its message of freedom through forgiveness. We will discuss basic Course metaphysics, as well as how the Course may be applied directly to specific situations in life. We will explore the power that we all have to decide to change our minds and see differently by learning from an unseen, unheard, but nonetheless internal ever-present teacher.
It is our hope that after exploring the peace that can be found through the practice of forgiveness revealed in A Course in Miracles… that you may choose to go deeper into this simple, clear and wonderful path.
** Prior to attending the first class, please be sure to have a copy of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace (with numbered paragraphs and sentences). Copies may be found here:
click here
Suggested Donation for Five Week Beginners Class: $42
Click here if you do not see yellow Donate Link above
We will send you the Zoom link for the Beginners classes after you send in your donation… thanks!
Classes on “Gifts of God Prose Poem” : Monday Evenings in Oct. 2023 @ 6pm Mt.
** These online classes on The Gifts of God Prose Poem are recommended only for Course students who have already been reading and practicing ACIM for more than six months.
The Gifts of God Prose Poem, the wonderful poem in prose at the back of Helen Schucman’s book of poetry (p. 115-128). This was the last series of messages that Jesus gave to Helen, and is an amazing capstone to the entire A Course in Miracles book.
Online classes on…
Monday Evenings @ 6pm Mt. Time in Oct. 2023
(please get the above “Gifts of God” Book before attending these classes… thanks.)
If you do not already have our weekly class Zoom Link, click here
(original cover)
The Gifts of God Prose Poem
The Gifts of God Prose Poem contains the last dictated messages to Helen from Jesus. It is included at the end of a collection of poetry by Helen Schucman, also by the same title, The Gifts of God (click here).
The year was 1978. The Course had already been taken down by Helen Schucman and was published. The two Course pamphlets (Psychotherapy & Song of Prayer) were also already scribed, between 1975 and 1977.
It was a cold, snowy February weekend in New York City… and Ken Wapnick was scheduled to head out of the Big Apple on a train for a couple days, to a Catholic center (about 30 miles north) to do some counseling work. Helen was terrified that Ken would be hurt, or worse, in an impending snowstorm. She had already talked him out of going the previous weekend for the same reason, and Ken dutifully said that this time he had to go. She had herself so worked-up that her conscious fear was totally over-the-top and out of control. Later, by 3am in the morning of that night after he left, she finally decided to talk to Jesus about it.
What then developed over a three month period thru April of ’78… were Jesus messages to help her walk thru, not the distracting conscious fear about Ken’s safety, but the real underlying fear (hers and ours) of simply letting go of separation and being with Jesus. These messages were collectively put together in what today is known as the Gifts of God Prose Poem. The best description of this process, and a great discussion by Ken Wapnick on the contents of this piece, is Ken’s ten CD set/MP3 download (click here):
The poem contains five sections (on 14 pages):
- The Dream of Fear
- The Two Gifts
- The Ending of The Dream
- Our Gift to God
- The Father’s Love
This Prose Poem is a beautifully written synopsis of the entire Course, with all its paragraphs in Shakespearean iambic pentameter. For best understanding, it is recommended and helpful to have some clear previous study of the Course’s basic metaphysics, prior to reading and applying the poem’s teachings to our lives.
However The Gifts of God Prose Poem is an insightful capstone to the Course itself, and will resonate with all Course students as an incredible addendum that wonderfully crowns The Course.
Come try our Live Classes and our Class Replays
donation-free for a couple of weeks.
(For Zoom link to weekly classes: click here)
After that if you find value in what our School offers and wish to continue in Our School Community… please consider these suggested monthly donations, for access to our extensive School Library of hundreds of recorded classes, and access to attend one or more live online classes per week: click here
SFACIM Summer Break: June 26 thru July 28, 2023 (no online classes or meetings)
Port Washington Wisc. “Get-Together, In-person” : July 5-9, 2023
(only… not Zoomed)
Five Days of SFACIM meetings in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin get-together is only open to current or past SFACIM students who have already attended our online classes. Contact Tim for more info ( Folks new to our classes online should check out our Course introductory video replays: (Click Here)
Port Washington, Wisconsin
(on Lake Michigan):
July 2023 Visit for 5 days…
Tim and Lyn will be in the Port Washington area of Wisconsin from July 5th thru the 9th, 2023 … and will do in-person ACIM mtgs at their temporary residence in Port Washington, while there.
If interested in attending these daily in-person ACIM mtgs in Port Wash., and doing some meals together… if you do not live in the Milwaukee/Port Washington corridor, you would have to find lodging at a local AIRBNB, Motel 6 (Saukville), or something else nearby around Port Wash, eg. Harborview Hotel on the water. (There are no more bedrooms available at the house where we are staying.)
You would also need a rental car to get around.
And please check with us before booking a place to stay in Port Washington area… we only have room for Course meetings for up to 12 people in the house that we are staying in, and right now we have at least nine folks lined up to come to our Course meetings. Thanks!
(Port Washington Pics:)
Beginners Four Week Class Online: Wednesdays @ 6:30pm Mt time (Sep. 21, 28, Oct. 5, 12)
Four Week Online Introduction to A Course in Miracles
with Becca
Four Wednesdays @ 6:30pm Mt Time
starting 9/21/22 thru 10/12/22
(Only those new or fairly new to A Course in Miracles are invited to attend)
Come and join us for a four week introduction to A Course in Miracles (ACIM). Get a taste of this beautiful Course and its message of freedom through forgiveness. We will discuss basic Course metaphysics, as well as how the Couse may be applied directly to specific situations in life. We will explore the power that we all have to decide to change our minds and see differently by learning from an unseen, unheard, but nonetheless present teacher. It is our hope that after exploring the peace that can be found through the practice of forgiveness revealed in A Course in Miracles… that you may choose to go deeper into this simple, clear and certain path.
** Prior to attending the first class, please be sure to have a copy of A Course in Miracles published by the Foundation for Inner Peace (with numbered paragraphs and sentences). Copies may be found here:
click here
Suggested Donation for Four Week Beginners Class: $30
(If you do not see yellow Buy Now link below, click here)
Relationship Seminar Online Sat. 4/30/22 @ 3-7pm Mt. Time
ACIM Relationship Seminar Online with Zoom
(open to our regular weekly class participants)
Sat. 4/30/22
@ 3-7pm Mountain Time
Sat., April 30 Relationships Seminar
1) Special Hate Presentation (Tim)
2) Special Love Presentation (Rebecca)
3) The Holy Relationship (Whitney)
Please click here to donate.
We can make our minds
so like still water
that beings gather about us
that they may see,
it may be, their own images,
and live for a moment with a clearer,
perhaps even with a fiercer life
because of our quiet,
our silence.
… W.B.Yeats
Mondays in The ACIM Workbook @ 6pm Mountain Time
No Monday 6pm Mt. Time Classes on Dec. 25 & Jan. 1
A Course in Miracles…
Monday Online Class Series on
Highlights of That Week’s Workbook Lessons
(5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern)
Both new and long time Course students are always invited to attend.
** To receive the Zoom link for classes: click here
** Please come try any of our weekly classes for a couple weeks for free, and then consider a monthly donation if you wish to continue… thanks!
Please click here for class donation information
For weekly online class information…
click here
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