Lyn Corona Mentoring Sessions
Your inheritance as spirit and a child of God is lasting peace, happiness, and life without end. You are ready to learn the way to this treasure when you become disillusioned with your own ability to bring about your inheritance through your own striving and effort. Everyone will eventually reach this point where he thinks “there must be a better way”.
My goal in mentoring is to help you choose this way sooner rather than later. Once this occurs, true learning can begin. You will not be happy and free until you know yourself as God created you. This does not require any extraordinary effort on your part.
God knows His way to you. All you need to learn is how not to interfere.
As your mentor I can save you time in learning how not to interfere. All that is required on your part is the willingness to change your mind. I would be honored to assist you if you so desire in this extraordinary process of un-learning what you have taught yourself so you can learn the “better way”. I am not the teacher in this endeavor.
But it is my honor and privilege to introduce you to the true Teacher and help you to recognize the joy in learning that only the truth is true. The importance of a holy relationship with this invisible Friend (called the Holy Spirit in ACIM) cannot be underestimated. He brings you back to God by reminding you of your true identity through the experience of true forgiveness. Miracles are the result of learning this from Him.
Once the universe of learning becomes real for you, you will not look back. You have entered the realm of spirit where you will begin to experience your True Self. This may sound like a fairy tale, but I assure you, because of spending the better part of my life learning from this Teacher, that it is true.
Several years ago, I made a deep commitment to my own healing and that of others with this prayer from A Course in Miracles:
“I am here only to be truly helpful.
I am here to represent Him Who sent me.
I do not have to worry about what to say or what to do,
because He Who sent me will direct me.
I am content to be wherever He wishes,
knowing He goes there with me.
I will be healed as I let Him teach me to heal.”
– T. 2. V. A.8: 2-6.
With the inspiration and guidance of this prayer in mind, I am offering mentoring sessions.
About Lyn Corona…
Lyn began offering workshops, classes and retreats for those who were interested in the Course’s teachings in 1986. She is the founder and president of the non-profit Ark of Peace and co-founder, director, and faculty member of School for A Course in Miracles (formerly School of Reason). Lyn began her study of the Course in 1976 and is a devoted student of its message of peace through forgiveness.
In discovering the work of Course scholar, Kenneth Wapnick, she found her teacher, colleague and friend. His teachings have become part of her ever deepening understanding of the message of the Course.
Questions? contact:
If you would like to schedule mentoring sessions with Lyn, please call and set up a free consultation. She may be reached at 303-880-7713. Consultations last 20-30 minutes, and after a brief conversation, we can determine together if mentoring could be useful, as well as the frequency of the mentoring sessions.
Lyn offers mentoring sessions Tuesdays through Fridays.
Mentoring sessions are available twice per month or four times per month… for a six month period.
You have the option to pay $120 a month for two sessions per month, $240 a month for four sessions per month,
Or you may opt to pay in full for the six months:
Twice a month- $675 for six months, four times a month for six months-$1350 .
These six month series of mentoring sessions are available only to people who have worked with ACIM for at least a few months, and are also familiar with Ken Wapnick’s teachings on A Course in Miracles.
Six month mentoring sessions, paid monthly, or in full, use this donate link and call Lyn to let her know what you have chosen (303 880 7713) and also to set up a mentoring schedule… thanks!
Please click here to donate.
Single sessions are only available as “tune-ups” for students that have already done mentoring sessions with Lyn... students that have gone through any of the Immersion programs, or Course students who have been regularly coming to SFACIM classes for a few months or more.
** If you do not see the yellow Buy Now link below, click here
SFACIM Summer Break: June 26 thru July 28, 2023 (no online classes or meetings)
Port Washington Wisc. “Get-Together, In-person” : July 5-9, 2023
(only… not Zoomed)
Five Days of SFACIM meetings in Wisconsin.
The Wisconsin get-together is only open to current or past SFACIM students who have already attended our online classes. Contact Tim for more info ( Folks new to our classes online should check out our Course introductory video replays: (Click Here)
Port Washington, Wisconsin
(on Lake Michigan):
July 2023 Visit for 5 days…
Tim and Lyn will be in the Port Washington area of Wisconsin from July 5th thru the 9th, 2023 … and will do in-person ACIM mtgs at their temporary residence in Port Washington, while there.
If interested in attending these daily in-person ACIM mtgs in Port Wash., and doing some meals together… if you do not live in the Milwaukee/Port Washington corridor, you would have to find lodging at a local AIRBNB, Motel 6 (Saukville), or something else nearby around Port Wash, eg. Harborview Hotel on the water. (There are no more bedrooms available at the house where we are staying.)
You would also need a rental car to get around.
And please check with us before booking a place to stay in Port Washington area… we only have room for Course meetings for up to 12 people in the house that we are staying in, and right now we have at least nine folks lined up to come to our Course meetings. Thanks!
(Port Washington Pics:)
Mondays in The ACIM Workbook @ 5:30pm Mountain Time
A Course in Miracles…
Monday Online Class Series
@ 5:30pm Mt Time
Highlights of That Week’s Workbook Lessons
Both new and long time Course students are always invited to attend.
** To receive the Zoom link for classes: click here
** Please come try any of our weekly classes for a couple weeks for free, and then consider a monthly donation if you wish to continue… thanks!
Please click here for class donation information
For weekly online class information…
click here
ACIM Online Classes in The New Year…
New Weekly Classes…
Sundays: We recently began classes going through ACIM Text on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month @ 9:30am Mt. (started Jan. 2nd)
Tuesdays: with Lyn @ 10am Mt on Ken’s “Healing The Unhealed Healer” (just started)
Wednesdays: New classes on Early Workbook Lessons on Workbook Wednesdays @ 9:30am Mt Time (started Jan. 5th)
Thursdays @ 6pm Mt. on Ken Wapnick’s “Taking The Ego Lightly” starts in a few weeks…
Continuing Classes…
Mondays: in The Manual (especially for Beginners) @ 6pm Mt. Time
Thursdays: currently on Ken Wapnick’s book “Stages of Our Spiritual Journey” @ 6pm Mt .
For weekly class schedule on specific topics:
click here.
If you do not have it yet,
to receive the weekly Zoom Class Link
click here
Today’s Class Replay (1/19/22):
New Classes Online: NOW… in 2023!
Mon. Classes on ACIM: 6:00pm Mt. click here!
Tuesdays in October 2023
An Introduction to A Course in Miracles
click here!
Thurs. Classes on “To Judge or Not to Judge” @ 6:00pm Mt click here
Jan. 2024 : Immersion 2024 … six-month in-depth Intensive into ACIM, for new and long term Course students alike! click here
Men’s ACIM Online Weekly Discussion Group (free)…. current mtgs: click here
(Erin Hanson Painting)
For complete weekly online SFACIM class schedule:
click here
Online Weekly SFACIM Class Schedule
New Online SFACIM Class Schedule
Click Here:
for SFACIM Weekly Topics Schedule
& to register for Zoom class link (if you do not already have it)
SFACIM In-Person Retreat.. May 20-22, 2022 in Colorado Springs, Colorado
Sorry… retreat registration is closed.
May 20-22 Retreat: In-Person !
Spring 2022:
School for ACIM Weekend Retreat on A Course in Miracles (ACIM)
“Our Resurrection Together”
* Before registering for this retreat, please watch (if you have not yet) some of our online class replays … to see how we approach, teach, and practice ACIM… it can be quite different than other Course teachers’ approaches to ACIM.
Also please be familiar with Ken Wapnick’s chart on Course Metaphysics. (click here)
click here for SFACIM weekly class schedule
For Our Updated Covid Policy:
scroll down to end of this post…
May 20-21-22, 2022
Fri. 2pm thru Sun. Noon
(includes ACIM Program on Forgiveness & Our Resurrection, and 5 meals… Fri. dinner thru Sun. breakfast)
in Colorado Springs, Colorado @ The Franciscan Retreat Center
What is Our Resurrection?
Very simply, the resurrection is our overcoming or surmounting of death.
It is our re-awakening or a rebirth; a change of mind about the meaning of the world. It is our acceptance of the Holy Spirit’s interpretation of the world’s purpose; the acceptance of the Atonement for oneself. It is the end of our dreams of misery, and the glad awareness of the Holy Spirit’s final dream.
It is our recognition of the gifts of God. It is the dream in which the body functions perfectly, having no function except communication. It is the lesson in which learning ends, for it is consummated and surpassed with this. It is our invitation to God to take His final step. It is our relinquishment of all other purposes, all other interests, all other wishes and all other concerns.
It is our single desire of the Son for the Father.
(ACIM: Manual for Teachers # 28)
Please email (
The Retreat Place:
We love the Franciscan Center for retreats…
(on West Woodmen Rd. in northwest Colorado Springs, Co.)
It is nestled in a lovely location in the foothills of the Rockies. (see map)
The staff has been consistently great, accommodations wonderful, and our past retreat participants have been more than happy with the meals.
Meals are generally served Buffet style (but with Covid that may be changed), with usually enough items on the menu to accommodate most vegetarian and gluten free diets.
Vegetarian (includes dairy) or gluten-free meals are available however if you specifically ask for them when you register… by texting Tim @ 720 391 9294 for specific requests.
If you are on a special diet, it is suggested that you bring some extra food yourself to supplement your own dietary needs.
All class sessions & meditations are in the Woodmen Mtg Room in Francis Place building. All meals are in the FRC Cafeteria just across from the Francis Place bldg.
for May 20-22 Retreat
SHOTS: It is recommended (but not required) that you be fully vaccinated with two booster shots before arrival.
However if you do have flu or covid symptoms within a few days before the start of retreat, please refrain from coming… and see refund policy below.
MASKS: Unless a new dangerous variant comes along in the next few months, we will not be wearing masks at the retreat (unless you would individually prefer to).
Refund Policy for Retreat:
Requests for full refunds can be made up to 30 days prior to start of retreat on May 20, 2022.
Fifty percent refunds can be given for requests made 30 days to two weeks before the start.
No refund can be given for less than two weeks notice before the retreat…
unless you have flu-like symptoms (especially fever, sore throat, and/or congestion & coughing) within a week before the retreat begins. Then please don’t come.
We will then refund half your retreat tuition (the other half goes to non-refundable room and meal reservations)… and we will give you five months of free access to live online SFACIM classes and our library of 600-plus SFACIM class replays.
For New SFACIM Online Class Schedule…
Click here:
New Online Class Participants:
To register to receive the Zoom Class Link for Our Weekly Live Online SFACIM Classes…
click here
Online School for A Course in Miracles Classes:
Mondays 6pm Mt.
Tuesdays @ 10am Mt. Time
Thursdays @ 6pm Mt
Saturdays @ 9:30am Mt
Sundays @ 9:30am Mt. Time
(see complete Weekly Online Class Schedule, with the daily class topics: click here)
Suggested Donations for Online Classes
Please come and try our live online classes donation-free for a couple weeks.
After two weeks, if you find value in what our School offers and wish to continue attending online classes… Consider these recommended donations for attending one or more classes per week, click here.
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