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School for A Course in Miracles
Free Podcast Channel
with more than 150 episodes and over 9,000 downloads
click here: Podbean
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To make a *Single or Monthly Donation*
to help keep these podcasts coming:
click here
We also have two School for A Course in Miracles (SFACIM) Video Libraries:
1) Free SFACIM video library with over 15 video replays introducing a number of ACIM themes. Each class is about 75-90 minutes long… click here
2) Complete SFACIM Library (available by monthly donation of $30 or more… basically a dollar a day) with over 1000 videos with more than 50 specifically developed in-depth class series on many different ACIM themes, including:
- A 195 video discussion class series on the entire Text of ACIM
- A 22 Class Back-to-Basics series specifically designed for new people to the ACIM
- Peace, and how to have it?
- Who, or what… is the Holy Spirit?
- What is forgiveness? How do I do it?
- What is healing? And how do I do that?
- and many other ACIM topics… with all five new weekly classes added to the library every week!
Please come try our large library for a month or two, and see if you find the same insightful and spiritual value and help that our other dedicated Course students are finding… thanks!
(click here: for info on how to donate)
(1) The SFACIM Free Video Library
with over 15 free class replays available
on multiple “A Course in Miracles” topics:
click here
(2) Our Larger SFACIM Video Library…
with 1000-plus classes includes:
**Class Replays of The SFACIM Chapters-in-Text Series (195 classes)
**The Psychotherapy Pamphlet Replays
** “Back-to-Basics” Series for Beginners (22 classes)
… and more (each class is approx. 75-90 minutes). Five new classes are added to this unlisted library every week!
The links will be sent via email to folks who are currently donating monthly (any amount of $30 or more a month)
Single or Monthly Donations: click here