Come try our Live Classes and our Class Replays
donation-free for a couple of weeks.
(For Zoom link to weekly classes: click here)
After that if you find value in what our School for ACIM (SFACIM) offers and wish to continue in our School community… please consider these suggested monthly donations listed below, for access to our extensive School Library of hundreds of recorded classes, and access to attend one or more live online classes per week:
Any and all donations help the School for A Course in Miracles continue, grow, and expand in its dedication to sharing ACIM in its many weekly live online classes, its free podcast channel, its huge inventory of SFACIM class replays on YouTube, their website, and all its continuing new outreach endeavors…. thanks !
Please click here to donate.
Monthly Suggested Offerings for Live Online Zoom Classes:
$12 for an individual live online class (lasting about 75-90 minutes)… after your first free two weeks.
$30 a month for access to all class replays only.
$35 a month for one or two weekly live online classes (up to 8 live classes a month), and includes unlimited access to 1000-plus SFACIM video class library. You will receive access to two live interactive online classes a week, and 24 hour-a-day access to a storehouse of all our insightful recorded Course class replays on multiple major ACIM topics.
$45 a month for up to 4 classes a week (up to 16 live online classes a month), with unlimited access to all our hundreds of SFACIM class replays.
$50 (or more) a month for all our monthly classes… currently more than 20 live online classes a month, and includes unlimited access to the SFACIM video class library. (Best overall access to everything our School for ACIM has to offer... at less than two dollars a day.)
All 5 new weekly video class uploads are added every week to our video Library.
For Zoom link to weekly classes: click here
The above donations do not include access to the Immersion classes, or Immersion class replays. Immersion Programs are a separate tuition.
The Immersion program is an online six month Intensive into the understanding and practice of A Course in Miracles, designed to introduce both newcomers and long time Course students to a more complete experience of ACIM under the twice a month guidance of a practiced mentor throughout the process…
Click here for info in Immersion programs
Recorded Class Replays… only
(without access to live weekly classes)
Access to our SFACIM Video Library with over 1000 Classes on A Course in Miracles is emailed weekly with all donations of $30 a month.
$30 a month gives access to SFACIM Video Library with 1000-plus SFACIM video class replays (without access to live online classes).
All of our five new weekly class recordings are added every week to the SFACIM library.
We have found these class replays to be incredibly helpful in expanding our spiritual growth and awareness.
Live SFACIM Online Weekly Classes :
(All times are Mountain Time Zone)
Saturdays in The Workbook @ 9:30am Mt (In Jan. 2024 we started on The Manual for Teachers.)
Sundays in The Text @ 9:30am Mt.
Monday Classes on Highlights of WB Lessons for the week @ 5:30pm Mt. Time
Tuesdays @ 10am Mt. … w Lyn Corona & Friends on “Our Escape from Our Belief in Death.”
Thursdays @ 5:30pm Mt. on a Ken Wapnick book (“Act Your Part with Honor.”)
All Online Classes: approx. 75-90 minutes each
If you have requested the Zoom link for classes but have not received it, or… if you are donating monthly and are not getting regular weekly email announcements about class times & topics & class replays: Please check your Junk or Spam mail, and if not there, let us know… @
Donors who contribute monthly (minimum of $30 a month) receive the YouTube replay links … for hundreds of video replays on multiple ACIM topics, including some of our 50 ACIM class-topic series listed below. Each class replay is about 75-90 minutes.
Please consider trying our library for a month or two… to see if you find it as helpful as our many dedicated Course students have experienced.