Chris Dixon
As one of the co-founders of the School for A Course in Miracles (formerly School of Reason). Christine co-mentored students in the school’s first Teacher Program, which concluded in June 2009. Chris was first introduced to A Course in Miracles in 1986. She read and studied it with a group for three years but only when she began studying Ken Wapnick’s material did she come to understand the Course’s metaphysics as non-dualistic, thereby coming to accept God as non-dualistic. Chris has been an A Course in Miracles teacher at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (RMMC) since 1999 and is currently a faculty member of the School of Reason. As a dedicated life student of the Course, she continues her learning through leading a discussion group intended to help students become comfortable with its non-dualistic metaphysics and the two thought systems it presents. You can email Chris at kevlene@q.com.
Susan Wiggins
Sue Wiggins heard about A Course in Miracles in 2010 and was continually intrigued by the quotes spoken from the book by various spiritual teachers that she listened to during a time of spiritual seeking in her life. It was in 2013 when she purchased a copy of the book for herself. Sue started to read a few pages off and on from A Course in Miracles for about three years and found the words to be poetic, gentle, and also having a spiritual depth to them. After these three years of only having a casual peek at A Course in Miracles, Sue decided to seek a further look into the book and started to read a portion of the text and a workbook lesson everyday. She discovered the School for A Course in Miracles after desiring to be a part of a study group after spending eight months in a daily individual study on her own. Sue was overjoyed to discover the offering of classes to help assist her in studying A Course in Miracles and took several classes, workshops, and Immersion classes.
Sue spent 25 years studying and teaching Christianity, and six years studying spiritual awakening through various teachers, as well as attending New Thought churches for a couple of years. It was upon studying A Course in Miracles that all of the previous studying came together and presented a spiritual path to Sue that spoke to her most completely and profoundly.
It is with great joy for Sue to share the Course’s message of the shift within us that is provided by forgiveness. The inner shift that takes us from our ego identification to our true identity within the heart of God is an exciting practice that Sue loves to share with others.

Susan Dugan
Co-founder, graduate, and former SFACIM faculty member, Susan Dugan is a writer, student, and teacher of A Course in Miracles. Susan spent decades studying and pursuing a variety of spiritual paths before finding the Course and recognizing it as her way home. For Susan, the Course’s unique power lies in its practical application, particularly in our relationships. She teaches and writes to learn, receiving what she gives. Teaching and writing help her become more vigilant in practicing forgiveness; learning to smile at the ego’s antics while allowing the healing of our one mind and the dissolution of the dream of separate interests. She has written several books of personal essays about practicing forgiveness in daily life. These include Extraordinary Ordinary Forgiveness, Forgiveness Offers Everything I Want, and Forgiveness: The Key to Happiness.
To find out more about Susan’s approach to teaching and practicing the Course’s extraordinary forgiveness in an ordinary life, visit her blog, Forays in Forgiveness