For four weeks this spring we will look at some of the Course’s Workbook Lessons that focus specifically on the topic of forgiveness.
(Great for Beginners!)
Beginning May 14th thru June 4th at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, in four consecutive RMMC Sunday Gatherings, Course Presenters will look at eight of the most powerful and profound lessons on forgiveness.
Every presentation will offer Course teachings beneficial for both beginners and on-going students alike. Attending the whole series is recommended for a comprehensive look at the basic Course process of forgiveness.
However, each individual gathering will be insightful, practical, and helpful to all.
(Donation basket is passed at end of each Gathering and any donations are helpful and all go to support the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center.)
We will cover how the Course’s idea of forgiveness is different from the traditional view, the Course’s three forgiveness steps, and what the Course means by the phrase “forgiveness-to-destroy.”
May 14… Rudi Florian, Les# 121 & 122
May 21… Lyn Corona, Les# 126 & 134
May 28… Whitney, Les# 192 & 193
June 4… Tim Wise, Les# 198 & 200