Series of seven 2-hour classes.
2013 Dates: Part 1; Mondays, Oct. 21, Nov. 4, 11, 18, Dec. 2, 9, 16.
Part 2; no dates set; consult the website
There are several places in the Course where Jesus talks about the advanced teachers of God. Having decided to let truth lead the way they stand for the alternative. Their peace cannot be shaken and they work for the good of all.
Although the Course would not advocate a morality of behavior, in a sense the advanced teachers usher in a new “kind” of morality of the mind based upon forgiveness and the recognition of shared interests.
The advanced teachers learn to use everything as a classroom in which to accomplish Jesus’ goals for them. They find “reality is even here” as they walk the middle path by changing their minds while looking and acting the same as everyone else. They do “smile more frequently”, their “forehead is serene” and their “eyes are quiet” .
Lesson 155
We will use Part Two of the Workbook to help us gain true perception, and the Characteristics of Gods Teachers for inspiration along with relevant Workbook Lessons. This class is for everyone who is ready to answer the last unanswered question: “Do I want what I have denied because it is the truth?”
Facilitated by Lyn Corona
Pre-registration required.
Prerequisites: completion of two School of Reason classes
Tuition: $140