No matter what befalls you in life: sickness, poverty, aloneness, abandonment, betrayal—you cannot suffer because love accompanies you. Love is total. If there is suffering, there is not love. If there is love, there can be no suffering.
Most activity in life is dedicated to avoiding suffering.
We don’t understand that suffering is a choice in the mind. There is only one way to become truly comfortable and that is to look upon our grievances and forgive them.
When things aren’t working, the place to look for the cause is in the mind. What is the grievance; who is to blame?
Let go of all grievances, and you cannot suffer under any circumstances. What suffers is not a part of you, because you are part of God. Forgiveness teaches this.
You could be blind and you would still “see.”
The body could fail and you would feel strong.
You could be betrayed and you would know you are loved.
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