“New Online Class Participants:”
Before… you apply to register for the Zoom class link to attend live online School for A Course in Miracles classes…
Please read the *suggested guidelines* below for class participation to see if you are ok with the guidelines, and then…
Our approach to A Course in Miracles (ACIM) can be quite different than other Course teachers in content and practice… so please watch a couple of our free YouTube video introductory presentations on the way we conduct the classes and how we see and practice A Course in Miracles.
After watching some of the above videos and after reading class guidelines below, email us lyncorona@msn.com to get the new ZOOM class link and daily schedule updates… and answer these four quick questions in your email:
- Who you are?
What’s your phone#?
- How long have you studied the Course?
- Which Course teachers are you aware of?
This process helps us avoid unwelcomed outsiders ‘zoom-bombing’ our meetings with offensive language and images.
** Sometimes requests for the Zoom link inadvertently go to junk mail and we miss them… We do try to routinely go thru the junk mail just in case, but if you do not hear from us in a day or two, please try again.
Suggested Donations for Online Classes:
Please come and try our live online classes… donation-free for a couple weeks. After that if you find value in what our School offers and wish to continue attending online classes… Please consider these recommended donations for attending one or more classes per week:
click here.
Please Note:
If you request the Zoom link for classes but do not receive it, or… if you are donating monthly and are not getting regular weekly email announcements about class times & topics… ** Please check your Junk or Spam mail, and if not there, let us know… thanks! (lyncorona@msn.com)
** Suggested Guidelines for
SFACIM Online Class Participation:
We are a School for A Course in Miracles (SFACIM), whose classes’ purpose is to present a coherent, consistent, and clear process of forgiveness based on Dr. Kenneth Wapnick’s teachings on Jesus’s A Course in Miracles (ACIM).
**Unlike most ACIM meetings and discussion groups, our SFACIM classes are different in that they are actual classes, and are not meant to be open forums for Course students and other Course teachers to give their own teachings and opinions about the Course, or other spiritual systems or other spiritual books.
Questions are definitely encouraged as in any classroom situation, and examples of students practicing forgiveness are occasionally requested from the facilitators.
During class, please try to avoid advice-giving (ie crosstalk) to someone else or the group as a whole. Our challenge is to become aware and responsible for our own process of the ‘undoing,’ and not avoid that process in ourselves by trying to “help” someone else.
It is however helpful at times to discuss and share what has, and hasn’t worked for us, in our own process of working and applying the Course, and specifically Ken Wapnick’s teachings on it.
To do that we first have to begin to learn and practice a little what the Course process of forgiveness is about … and understand at least some of Ken Wapnick’s teachings on the Course.
It is suggested and appreciated that all class participants take advantage of the opportunity to simply be students again, ask questions if so guided, and listen and learn and apply the Course teachings right there in class… no matter how many times they have heard or even taught the material themselves.
We are grateful for your patience and understanding.