After first two weeks of donation-free classes: Suggested monthly donations to continue access to weekly live online classes… and also receive link for SFACIM Video Library with hundreds of Class Replays
Come try our Live Classes and our Class Replays
donation-free for a couple of weeks.
(For Zoom link to weekly classes: click here)
After that if you find value in what our School for ACIM (SFACIM) offers and wish to continue in our School community… please consider these suggested monthly donations listed below, for access to our extensive School Library of hundreds of recorded classes, and access to attend one or more live online classes per week:
Any and all donations help the School for A Course in Miracles continue, grow, and expand in its dedication to sharing ACIM in its many weekly live online classes, its free podcast channel, its huge inventory of SFACIM class replays on YouTube, their website, and all its continuing new outreach endeavors…. thanks !
Please click here to donate.
Monthly Suggested Offerings for Live Online Zoom Classes:
$12 for an individual live online class (lasting about 75-90 minutes)… after your first free two weeks.
$30 a month for access to all class replays only.
$35 a month for one or two weekly live online classes (up to 8 live classes a month), and includes unlimited access to 1000-plus SFACIM video class library. You will receive access to two live interactive online classes a week, and 24 hour-a-day access to a storehouse of all our insightful recorded Course class replays on multiple major ACIM topics.
$45 a month for up to 4 classes a week (up to 16 live online classes a month), with unlimited access to all our hundreds of SFACIM class replays.
$50 (or more) a month for all our monthly classes… currently more than 20 live online classes a month, and includes unlimited access to the SFACIM video class library. (Best overall access to everything our School for ACIM has to offer... at less than two dollars a day.)
All 5 new weekly video class uploads are added every week to our video Library.
For Zoom link to weekly classes: click here
The above donations do not include access to the Immersion classes, or Immersion class replays. Immersion Programs are a separate tuition.
The Immersion program is an online six month Intensive into the understanding and practice of A Course in Miracles, designed to introduce both newcomers and long time Course students to a more complete experience of ACIM under the twice a month guidance of a practiced mentor throughout the process…
Click here for info in Immersion programs
Recorded Class Replays… only
(without access to live weekly classes)
Access to our SFACIM Video Library with over 1000 Classes on A Course in Miracles is emailed weekly with all donations of $30 a month.
$30 a month gives access to SFACIM Video Library with 1000-plus SFACIM video class replays (without access to live online classes).
All of our five new weekly class recordings are added every week to the SFACIM library.
We have found these class replays to be incredibly helpful in expanding our spiritual growth and awareness.
Live SFACIM Online Weekly Classes :
(All times are Mountain Time Zone)
Saturdays in The Workbook @ 9:30am Mt (In Jan. 2024 we started on The Manual for Teachers.)
Sundays in The Text @ 9:30am Mt.
Monday Classes on Highlights of WB Lessons for the week @ 5:30pm Mt. Time
Tuesdays @ 10am Mt. … w Lyn Corona & Friends on “Our Escape from Our Belief in Death.”
Thursdays @ 5:30pm Mt. on a Ken Wapnick book (“Act Your Part with Honor.”)
All Online Classes: approx. 75-90 minutes each
If you have requested the Zoom link for classes but have not received it, or… if you are donating monthly and are not getting regular weekly email announcements about class times & topics & class replays: Please check your Junk or Spam mail, and if not there, let us know… @
Donors who contribute monthly (minimum of $30 a month) receive the YouTube replay links … for hundreds of video replays on multiple ACIM topics, including some of our 50 ACIM class-topic series listed below. Each class replay is about 75-90 minutes.
Please consider trying our library for a month or two… to see if you find it as helpful as our many dedicated Course students have experienced.
Our Large Video Library has hundreds of recorded classes, which are divided into more than 50 ACIM series on specific ACIM topics, including:
” ACIM Text Chapters” Series ( 195 classes, with about a half dozen individual classes on every Chapter, and with each section discussed mostly line-by-line.) If you are looking for help in figuring out out what The ACIM Text is actually saying and what it means, and then how to apply in practice the ACIM principles of forgiveness and healing… please begin listening to this Text series.
Anger, Resentments & Grievances Series (25 classes)
Attainment of Real World Series (26 classes with Lyn Corona)
Back to Basics Beginner Series (22 classes)… great for those new to A Course in Miracles…. these 22 classes are building blocks to understanding and beginning to really appreciate what A Course in Miracles has to offer in terms of a practical everyday spirituality.
Death & Dying (6)
Forgiveness Series (18 classes)
Series on Ken Wapnick’s Book: “Forgiveness & Jesus” (35 classes)
Series on Ken Wapnick’s Book: “From Futility to Happiness” (13 classes)
Series on Ken Wapnick’s Book: “Stages of Our Spiritual Journey”
Series on Ken’s “Healing The Unhealed Mind” & “Taking The Ego Lightly”
Series on Ken Wapnick’s books “Ending Our Resistance to Love” … & “Parents and Children”
Healing! (15)
Truly Helpful… how-to-be’s (with Lyn Corona)
The Holy Spirit Series (7)
Jesus & The Christ in Us (10)
“Workbook Lessons” (ongoing)…
“Lessons 121-170” Series
“Lessons 181-200” Series (30)
Lessons 221-365
The Manual for Teachers of God
Pain (why?): Physical and/or Emotional (5)
Peace of mind/how do I get it? Series (15)
… and with many other ACIM topic series, including: on Atonement, Our Inner Decision Maker, Dreams & Dreaming, Fear & Letting It Go, What is Grace, Magic or Miracles, Who was/is Jesus, What is Time, and Learning to Trust. All five of all our latest weekly classes are also added every week to this Library.
Please click here to donate.
For weekly online class information…
click here
Relationship Seminar Online Sat. 4/30/22 @ 3-7pm Mt. Time
ACIM Relationship Seminar Online with Zoom
(open to our regular weekly class participants)
Sat. 4/30/22
@ 3-7pm Mountain Time
Sat., April 30 Relationships Seminar
1) Special Hate Presentation (Tim)
2) Special Love Presentation (Rebecca)
3) The Holy Relationship (Whitney)
Please click here to donate.
We can make our minds
so like still water
that beings gather about us
that they may see,
it may be, their own images,
and live for a moment with a clearer,
perhaps even with a fiercer life
because of our quiet,
our silence.
… W.B.Yeats
“Back-to-Basics” Video Series for Beginners…
Series of Twenty-two Class Replays for Beginners…
This Back-to-Basics series includes 22 video class replays (approx. 75-90 minutes each) on A Course in Miracles basic themes of forgiveness and healing… and eighteen other fundamental ACIM topics including what is a miracle, what is the Holy Spirit, and what is the ego.
This carefully designed series of 22 classes will give you a structured understanding of A Course in Miracles and the way to apply it in your life. Great for new folks or those fairly new to ACIM!
These twenty-two introductory classes also give those who want to teach A Course in Miracles… a helpful and methodical approach to presenting and sharing ACIM with others.
We will email you the unlisted link for the entire Beginner Back-to-Basic Series of 22 Video replays when you make a one time donation of $52:
Please click here to donate.
Our 22 recorded Youtube videos in our Back-to-Basic series for beginners are also available to those who are currently donating
a minimum of $30 a month to the School for ACIM.
**Your monthly donation (of $30 or more) also includes access to more than 900 other class videos,
including the entire SFACIM Chapter-by-Chapter Series on The Text of ACIM (195 classes):
Please click here to donate.
Choosing Which ACIM Book… ?
“A Course in Miracles”
There are currently many versions of A Course in Miracles Books on the market. In all of the School for A Course in Miracles classes and Immersions, we only use, and recommend getting:
“A Course in Miracles”
This ACIM book is specifically published by the Foundation for Inner Peace... and the printed editions from 1992 or newer have the numbered paragraphs and sentences for easy reference. The recent publications also include the two supplemental pamphlets … The Song of Prayer and The Psychotherapy Pamphlet.
click here
Sunday Mornings: The ACIM Text @ 9:30am Mt. Time
Sundays in The Text
@ 9:30am Mtn. Time…
Classes on The Text of ACIM
We cover consecutively the highlights of one or two sections in every Sun. morning class:
in The Text of A Course in Miracles…
If you do not have the weekly Zoom class link,
click here
All our classes run about 75 – 90 minutes long:
All SFACIM Class replays
available here:
click here
For weekly online class information…
click here
Overview of Text Chapters:
The Preface: written after the completion of taking down the entire Course, with the “What It Says” third Preface section specifically written by Jesus (the first two preface sections are written by Helen herself).
Chapters 1-4: Basically a conversation between Helen and Jesus (with material edited out personal to Helen & Bill):
Chap. 1: The Meaning of Miracles…Introduction to the main Course themes that will be developed throughout the Text
Chap. 2: Separation & Atonement… Basic metaphysics of Chart (also addresses Helen’s and our own fear and resistance to Jesus & his Course)
Chap. 3: Innocent Perception… Basic definitions of terms used in Course
Chap. 4: Illusions of the Ego… Exploring what ego is and Jesus role in that exploration.
First major shift in writing with Ch. 5, Sec. V (first discussion of our made-up guilt), from basically a dialogue with Helen in the first four and a half chapters, to Jesus dictating the rest of Text from this point on:
Chap. 5: Healing & Wholeness… Exploring who/what is the Holy Spirit & how He helps us with our recognizing and letting go of guilt.
Chap. 6: Lessons of Love… First discussion of anger, Four HS lessons (steps) to return to Heaven.
Chap. 7: Gifts of Kingdom… Heaven & Healing
Chap. 8: Our Journey Back… with the “Singing” Jesus
Chap. 9: Acceptance of Atonement… First discussion of forgiveness
Chap.10: Idols of Sickness… on Biblical 1st & 2nd commandments (shortest chap.)
Chap.11: God or Ego… our ‘authority problem’
Next major shift in writing… with more intense emphasis on process of looking at ego’s made-up insanity:
Ch.12: HS Curriculum… realizing the ego’s central teaching is always: that love is dangerous!
Ch.13: Guiltless World.. full blown exposé on our internal unrecognized guilt (longest chap.)
Ch.14: Teaching for Truth… the proverbial ‘calm before the storm’ chapter, before the following three chapters (15-16-17) on special relationships… Chap. 14 includes sections on two major Course themes: the “What is a Happy Learner” and “Our Own Call for Help/ Our Own Call for Love “
Ch. 15, 16, 17… all about Special Relationships
Ch. 18… on Our Dream “Life”
Ch.19… Our Own Four Obstacles to Peace of Mind
Ch.20, 21, 22… Second “calm before the storm” (for three whole chapters on Vision, Reason, and Salvation in The Holy Relationship)… before Laws of Chaos & Specialness (starting in Chap. 23):
Ch.23… The Laws of Chaos: Ken calls this the “toughest” chapter in the Text, with very little reprieve in it… the five steps (laws of the ego) we took to methodically deceive ourselves into believing in separation form God and each other.
Ch. 24… The Goal of Specialness, extended description of the “Substitute for Love” in the fifth Law of Chaos.
Ch. 25-26… Third and final ‘calm’ (a breather), on equal justice for all of God’s one Son, how to move from injustice to real justice (is life really not fair?)… before the last part of the Text
Ch. 27-28… more on Dreams: the dreaming of the world and its underlying horrific “secret dream” of the wrong mind.
Ch. 29-30… In-depth discussion of the ego’s idols… and and the steps or ‘rules’ on how to move past those idols (The Seven Rules for Decision-making).
Ch. 31… The capstone of the Text : all the themes of the Course are brought together, coalescing in this last great movement of the Course’s grand symphony.
Every Monday @ 5:30pm Mt. Time: Highlights of This Week’s Workbook Lessons
A Course in Miracles…
Monday Online Class Series
Both new and long time Course students are always invited to attend.
On Mondays @ 5:30pm Mt. we cover the highlights of that week’s lessons.
** To receive the Zoom link for classes: click here
** Please come try any of our weekly classes for a couple weeks for free, and then consider a monthly donation if you wish to continue… thanks!
Please click here for class donation information
Replay of First Class on Workbook Les. 1-7 (2024):
For weekly online class information…
click here
Mondays in The ACIM Workbook @ 6pm Mountain Time
No Monday 6pm Mt. Time Classes on Dec. 25 & Jan. 1
A Course in Miracles…
Monday Online Class Series on
Highlights of That Week’s Workbook Lessons
(5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern)
Both new and long time Course students are always invited to attend.
** To receive the Zoom link for classes: click here
** Please come try any of our weekly classes for a couple weeks for free, and then consider a monthly donation if you wish to continue… thanks!
Please click here for class donation information
For weekly online class information…
click here
Tuesdays: “The Escape from Our Belief in Death… An ACIM Death Cafe” 10-11:30am Mt.
From Wikipedia: What is a Death Cafe?
A Death Cafe is a scheduled non-profit get-together for the purpose of talking about death (and in our case, death from A Course in Miracles point of view).
The Death Cafe is not a physical location but an event. The participants are free to discuss their understanding, thoughts, dreams, fears and any other aspects of death and dying. The Death Cafe website, created by Jon Underwood, states the purpose is “to increase awareness of death with a view to helping people make the most of their (finite) lives”.
Facilitators have said that there is “a need among people to open the closet into which death, the last taboo, has been placed.” Underwood said that “we have lost control of one of the most significant events we ever have to face.”
Death Cafes have helped to relax the taboo of speaking about death, particularly with strangers, and encouraged people to express their own wishes for when and after they die.
The open-ended discussions also provide an avenue to express thoughts about one’s own life, sometimes stirred up by the death of a family member…
In summary, a death cafe is a non-profit gathering of people who meet in a safe, non-judgmental space to discuss death, dying, and grief. The goal is to promote understanding and acceptance of death as a natural part of life, and to help people make the most of their lives. Death cafes are not intended to be grief support or counseling, and they are not focused on any specific topic. Instead, they provide an opportunity for people to share their thoughts, fears, and questions about death, and to normalize the conversation around the subject.
Lyn Corona & Friends:
An Online “ACIM Death Cafe”
10-11:30am Mt. Time
Every Tuesday we discuss a particular ACIM passage on the ego’s thought system of death, and how we release our belief in death thru practicing the forgiveness process in A Course in Miracles (ACIM).
** These Tuesday classes are only recommended for students who have regularly studied Ken Wapnick’s teachings on ACIM and death, and who have been practicing forgiveness as described in ACIM… for at least six months.
To Attend Online: click here
for Class registration and Zoom link
From: To:
Weekly Class Schedule: Click here
The world has everything backwards… It operates on the premise that one’s own interests are separate from everyone else’s. Everything is evaluated on the basis of whether we get what we think we want, and keep away what we don’t. If we do we are “happy”; if we don’t we are miserable.
A Course in Miracles attempts to undo this selfish point of view by teaching us shared interests. The sole qualification of a teacher of God is that he has made a deliberate choice not to see his interests apart from someone else’s at the level of mind. We share the ego’s selfish interest of individual autonomy and existence in our wrong minds. We also share the Holy Spirit’s way out of this made up self condemnation through forgiveness in our right minds.
Lyn’s insightful exploration of the Course helps us become aware of the Course’s understanding of our only two shared interests that we all have. We will focus on how we let go of one (the ego and its thought system of death), and then progress toward the other (the Holy Spirit and its awareness of our true Identity and eternal Life as God’s One Son).
Lyn Corona began her study of A Course in Miracles in 1976 and has been teaching its message of peace through forgiveness for about 50 years.
She is a founder and president of the School for A Course in Miracles.
If you feel so moved, please ‘Donate,’ with credit card on the link below (or with check payable to SFACIM, mailed to Lyn Corona, 1663 Steele St., Unit 1007, Denver Co. 80206)… It helps us to keep these Course video presentations coming.
(If you don’t see the yellow “Donate” link above, click here…)
Course References on Death & Dying:
click here
ACIM Online Classes in The New Year…
New Weekly Classes…
Sundays: We recently began classes going through ACIM Text on 1st, 3rd, and 5th Sundays of the month @ 9:30am Mt. (started Jan. 2nd)
Tuesdays: with Lyn @ 10am Mt on Ken’s “Healing The Unhealed Healer” (just started)
Wednesdays: New classes on Early Workbook Lessons on Workbook Wednesdays @ 9:30am Mt Time (started Jan. 5th)
Thursdays @ 6pm Mt. on Ken Wapnick’s “Taking The Ego Lightly” starts in a few weeks…
Continuing Classes…
Mondays: in The Manual (especially for Beginners) @ 6pm Mt. Time
Thursdays: currently on Ken Wapnick’s book “Stages of Our Spiritual Journey” @ 6pm Mt .
For weekly class schedule on specific topics:
click here.
If you do not have it yet,
to receive the weekly Zoom Class Link
click here
Today’s Class Replay (1/19/22):
Thursday Online Class @ 5:30pm Mt: Discussions of Ken Wapnick Books on ACIM
Please join our current Thurs. series at any point… you can come try it at any time and see if it ‘works’ for you.
Ken Wapnick book discussion
on Thursday Evenings @ 5:30pm Mountain Time
** If possible, we suggest getting the hard copies of Ken Wapnick’s books for Thursday evening class discussions, and not the download versions… to be able to more easily follow along in class… thanks!
Quickest way to get these Ken Wapnick books: from Amazon Prime
** To receive the Zoom link for classes: click here
On Thursdays beginning Jan. 2024, Daniela will lead discussion of Ken Wapnick’s book:
“Cast No One Out”
Make it about them, a phrase that reflects A Course in Miracles’ teaching that we enter Heaven “together, or not at all” is the important theme of this program. In other words, we are to be thinking of others instead of our neediness, setting our specialness aside.
Thus, by making a relationship or situation about another instead of ourselves, we are truly making it about us—God’s one Son.
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