Four Week RMMC Sunday Gathering Series (Starts 8/20) on “Song of Prayer” Pamphlet
The Song of Prayer Pamphlet,
Four Week Sunday Gathering Series
Starting Aug. 20th @ RMMC,
Soon after the Course itself was originally published, this pamphlet was dictated by Jesus to help explain and correct the errors that Course students were already making. Many, if not most, students believed forgiveness and prayer were about bodies and bodies’ behavior.
They had missed the major point that forgiveness was in the mind and took place at that level of experience. Whatever was happening at the level of form in the world was simply a reflection of what was already happening in the mind. That experience in form and behavior then becomes a doorway back, with the Holy Spirit’s help, to the real issue in the mind (not the body’s brain), of seeming separation from our Father, our Source.
ACIM Workbook Lessons # 79-80 specifically point out this understanding of the Course’s forgiveness. Jesus repeats it there and throughout the entire ACIM… There is only one problem, the belief in separation in the mind. There is only one solution, the Atonement, or the letting go of the belief in separation. The Song of Prayer came along to reiterate and emphasize those same ideas in its three brief sections on Prayer, Forgiveness, and Healing. It describes what each are, and as importantly what they are not.
At the end of summer on four consecutive Sunday Gatherings, we will go over the Song of Prayer in its entirety and probe its wonderful insights and practical application of the Atonement principle in prayer, forgiveness and healing of the mind. Then we will see how that process is reflected in our daily experience in the world.
All are welcome, both beginning and ongoing students. The entire series is recommended for a comprehensive look at this amazing pamphlet, but each individual Sunday will have something insightful and helpful for all.
(A donation basket is passed at the end of each Sunday Gathering, and all proceeds go to the support and continuation of the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center as a place to study and share the blessings of A Course in Miracles.)
Series Schedule:
August 20… Lyn Corona: Introduction and Prayer
August 27… Rudi Florian: Forgiveness
Sep. 3… Tim Wise: Healing
Sep. 10… Whitney: Pamphlet Overview & Summary
The Song of Prayer pamphlet is included in most newer ACIM books under the heading “Supplements.” However if it’s not already there in your edition of the Course book, you can order an individual copy from ($6 plus shipping) or possibly purchase one from RMMC bookstore if available (thanks Maureen for ordering 10 extra copies). It is suggested that you get and bring your copy to each gathering in the series…
Also available on CDs or MP3 download from the
A comprehensive Ken Wapnick workshop on the Song of Prayer…
This Friday, Saturday, & Sunday: Rocky Mountain Miracle Conference on Relationships… April 21-23, 2017, @ RMMC in Denver, with Updated Schedule and Suggested Readings
Rocky Mountain Spring
Miracle Conference
on Relationships:
Calling all Teachers and Students of A Course in Miracles to come together in Denver at the foot of the Rockies. Come explore with us the Course’s profound yet practical spirituality that heals all our relationships with self, others, and our God. For three days this spring we will learn, share, and practice the wonderful art of true forgiveness in all those relationships, using the principles set down in the Course and augmented by the inspiring teachings of Course teacher Dr. Kenneth Wapnick.
Friday Evening through Sunday Morning
April 21-22-23, 2017
Entire Conference will be held
in one south Denver location,
at the RMMC :
Rocky Mountain Miracle Center,
1939 S Monroe St.
(Just off I 25 and Colorado Blvd.)
*There is ample free parking at the RMMC.*
Organized and Facilitated by Presenters from School for A Course in Miracles. For information and registration call 720-391-9294.
Entire program cost is $150.
(Saturday Seminar Only, 9:30-4:30pm… $95 )
To register, choose option below, then click yellow “Buy Now” button
(if you don’t see yellow Buy Now button, click here)
If you wish to pay by cash or check (made out to SFACIM), you can pay at door. No one turned away due to lack of funds… any contribution is always appreciated. Call Tim ahead of time if you have any questions: 720-391-9294.
La Quinta, Colorado Blvd & Buchtel Blvd.: Closest Hotel to Rocky Mountain Miracle Center (two block walk):
Motel 6, Arapahoe Rd. & I 25 (15 minutes away, inexpensive and clean)
Belcaro Motel, 1025 S. Colorado Blvd. (8 minutes away)…located conveniently near RMMC.
Residence Inn, 670 S. Colorado Blvd, Great for 3 or more people, studio with kitchen, 2 queen beds, and a pull-out sofa bed… $209 a night plus tax.
Click here : for Upscale Hotels near RMMC
AIR BNB: New Exciting Way to Find Lodging in Rooms in Local Folks Homes (at significantly cheaper prices than hotels)
There are many restaurants of all kinds within 5-10 minute drive of RMMC.
There are at least five restaurants within a two block walk of RMMC, including Mad Greens, Perkins, and Natural Grocers (which is all organic and has a dining area to sit and eat). Also there is a kitchen and dining area at RMMC if you bring your own meals.
(Meals and lodging are not included in cost of program.)
Suggested Course Readings in the Text Prior to Conference:
1) Chap. 15: p.312, par. 1-8; p.317, par. 1-10
2) Chap. 16: p.337, par. 1-8; p.341, par. 1-12
3) Chap. 17: Section V, p.362-365
Suggested Listening Prior to Conference:
Ken Wapnick’s 3 hr. Seminar on “Special Relationships, Home of Guilt” (click here)
Presenters will include Whitney, Lyn Corona, and Tim Wise
Contact: Lyn Corona at 303-880-7713 or
Updated Schedule:
Friday, 4/21:
6:45pm… Welcome!
7pm…. Session one: “Our Relationship of self with Self” (Tim Wise)
8pm… Session two: “Setting the Goal in our Relationships” (Lyn Corona)
Saturday, 4/22, 9:30am-4:30pm… Seminar on “Our Special Relationships with Everyone and Everything” ( With Lyn Corona) :
9:30am… The Ego’s Use of Relationships, with Whitney
10:45am… Break
11:00am… Panel Discussion (Mike, Jeff, Barb & Kris)
12:15pm… Lunch
1:45pm… Return
2:00pm… Breakout Groups (led by Barb, Whitney, Lyn and Tim)
3:00pm… Break
3:15pm… Ch.17, The Healed Relationship with Lyn
4:15pm… Closing
Saturday, 4/22, 6:30-9pm… Optional Fun Movie @ Rocky Mountain Miracle Center: “Groundhog Day” in RMMC Library. (Movie starts around 6:45).
The RMMC Lobby and Event Hall will also be available for socializing… if you just want to hang out and not watch the movie.
Sunday, 4/23, 9:30am… optional group breakfast at Perkins on Buchtel and Colorado Blvd, two blocks from the RMMC
Sunday, 4/23, 11am-12:15pm… Sunday Gathering @ RMMC on “Our Relationship with Jesus and God”.. With Tim Wise… portion of Conference program cost will be donated to RMMC to cover this Gathering, and the rent for the Conference being held there.
*Also: for those arriving early for the conference, on Friday 4/21 don’t forget to take advantage of…
David Delaplane’s (303-333-1043) great Course meeting from 10am to noon in the Lakewood part of Denver @ Holy Shepherd Lutheran at 9th & Kipling, and/or…
Chris Dixon’s always insightful “Climbing the Ladder Home” Class at 1:30pm-3pm @ the RMMC.*
Refund Policy: Requests for full refunds can be made up to 30 days prior to start of program on April 21, 2017. Fifty percent refunds can be given for requests made 30 days to two weeks before the start. No refund given for less than two weeks notice before the start, unless the Conference is cancelled due to severe end-of-season snow storm (very unlikely, however then full refund is given).
Four Thurs. Evenings Class on Psychotherapy Pamphlet, Oct.5-26, Cancelled
Psychotherapy from a Course point of view: what is it, and how does that process look?
This pamphlet is for everyone! You don’t have to be a psychotherapist to take advantage of its wonderful wisdom on healing…
Come visit with us for the four Thurs. evenings in October, as we explore Jesus’ first pamphlet given to Helen Schucman after the dictation of the Course itself.
Oct. 5th thru Oct. 26th @ RMMC,
Thursdays, 7-8:30pm
We will look at the pamphlet’s 25 pages in its three sections (Purpose, Process, and Practice), and all of its many insights into the Course’s unusual and untraditional approach to healing in general.
Facilitator Schedule:
10/5… p.1-6 (includes Pamphlet Intro, #1 Purpose, #2 Process: Intro and Section I) — Lyn Corona
10/12… p.6-12 (#2 Process: Sections II, III, IV) — Whitney
10/19… p.12-18 (#2 Process: Sec. V, VI, VII) — Tim Wise
10/26… 19-25 (#3 Practice) — Tim and Lyn
Christmas Retreat in Colorado Springs,
Dec. 8-9-10
Earlybird Discount thru 9/30
(click here)
Four Week Spring Sunday Gathering Series @ RMMC on Forgiveness (Next Ones, May 28 & June 4)… Great for Beginners!
For four weeks this spring we will look at some of the Course’s Workbook Lessons that focus specifically on the topic of forgiveness.
(Great for Beginners!)
Beginning May 14th thru June 4th at the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center, in four consecutive RMMC Sunday Gatherings, Course Presenters will look at eight of the most powerful and profound lessons on forgiveness.
Every presentation will offer Course teachings beneficial for both beginners and on-going students alike. Attending the whole series is recommended for a comprehensive look at the basic Course process of forgiveness.
However, each individual gathering will be insightful, practical, and helpful to all.
(Donation basket is passed at end of each Gathering and any donations are helpful and all go to support the Rocky Mountain Miracle Center.)
We will cover how the Course’s idea of forgiveness is different from the traditional view, the Course’s three forgiveness steps, and what the Course means by the phrase “forgiveness-to-destroy.”
May 14… Rudi Florian, Les# 121 & 122
May 21… Lyn Corona, Les# 126 & 134
May 28… Whitney, Les# 192 & 193
June 4… Tim Wise, Les# 198 & 200
Four Week Wednesday Online (Only) Class on Course Fundamentals, Starts 3/8, Today Last Day to Register Sunday 3/5
New Four Week Online Class Starts Wed. March 8th, 2017 @ 5:30pm:
Great for Beginners and those wishing to review essential Course concepts such as healing and forgiveness… During the four Wed. classes, we will go over the basic Course metaphysics, the Ken Wapnick Chart on the Course, and how that sets the groundwork for the understanding and practical daily application of forgiveness, of others and of ourselves.
Downloadable free app “Zoom” will be used for online video. Suggested that you get and use an inexpensive computer headset to eliminate background noise during class. We will simply email you the link for class…click on that link and you’re in…
Wednesdays, 5:30pm- 7:00pm (Mountain Time)
March 8 to March 29, 2017
Facilitated by Tim Wise and Lyn Corona, Call Tim @ 720-391-9294 for info…
(Minimum of four participants required, max. of eight)
To Register click “Buy Now” button (if you don’t see yellow “Buy Now ” button click here )
Please, never let lack of funds be a deterrent in taking any of the SFACIM classes or events listed on the website… give us a call (720-391-9294) and we will always try to work something out. We want you to be there!
Full Day Online Seminar in Denver (10/26/19), From A Course Perspective
Next Full Day Saturday Seminar 10/26/19 on…
“How to get thru a day as a Teacher of God?”
click here
PAST: ACIM Seminar on Fearless Dying…
Sat., Oct. 27, 2018
@ Rocky Mountain Miracle Center
in Denver, Colorado
Death is an idea, a belief maintained by the Son of God to prove that he can do what God can’t… separate, suffer, and die. During this one day day seminar at The RMMC, we will explore the Course’s view on the unreality of death, and how we can reach that awareness of our true invulnerable identity as one Son of God.
Join us Sat., Oct. 27, 2018 @ the RMMC to help awaken in us this amazing healed perception beyond our own seeming suffering & death.
And we will also discuss how to deal with our loved ones’ dying and death from a Course perspective…
So let’s get together and talk frankly and honestly for a day about this most “taboo” topic of all our issues and fears… as we approach and surrender our belief in the “reality” of death, using Jesus words from the Course, and supported with his loving presence by our side.
Presented by The School for ACIM from Denver, Colorado.
(…if you don’t see yellow Buy Now button above, click here)
Any questions call Tim 720 391 9294, leave a voicemail, and he will get back to you ASAP.
For helpful excerpts from the Course on death and dying:
(click here)
Ken Wapnick’s 5 minute videos on “Death”:
(click here)
Some thought-provoking movies about death and dying and the afterlife:
1) Ghost… the classic with Patrick Swayze, Demi Moore, and Whoopi Goldberg
*** 2) Coco…. beautiful animated CGI flick about Day of the Dead
** 3) Departures… wonderful Japanese movie about forgiveness and respect
* 4) Hearts and Souls… funny and insightful with Robert Downey Jr, where 4 dead souls “haunt” him and work out their unresolved issues thru him.
5) What Dreams May Come… Robin Williams looking for his wife in the afterlife
* 6) Meet Joe Black… Anthony Hopkins as the dying man and Brad Pitt as “Death,” who has come to get him.
* 7) Flatliners… unusual movie about a group of med students who take turns taking their lives and bringing each other back, with very young Kevin Bacon, Kiefer Sutherland, and Julia Roberts. (Free on new Sony Crackle network)
*** 8) Six Feet Under TV series… one of the best tv series ever! It’s about a family running a funeral home in LA and their many conversations with the dead folks they are working on…
* 9) All of Me… funny movie about souls inhabiting other bodies after death, with Lily Tomlin (the inhabiter) and Steve Martin (the inhabited)
10) One for The Angels… another classic: Ed Wynn meets Mr. Death in a 1959 Twilight Zone Show on Netflix… click here
*** 11) Collateral Beauty… Ed Norton hires three actors to play Death (H. Mirren), Time, and Love to help his friend Will Smith get past his grieving. (A Tim & Lyn favorite!)
12) The Seventh Seal… Ingmar Bergman at his best, about a knight returning from Crusades and his interactions and conversations and chess game with Death.
13) Two X-Files Shows… [1]”Tithonus” (6th Season, Eps. 10) about a photographer who can’t die:
* 14) [2] “How The Ghost Stole Christmas” : Ed Asner and Lily Tomlin as two dead souls that haunt Mulder and Scully on Xmas Eve
15) Heaven Can Wait… with Warren Beatty
** 16) Sixth Sense… part horror flick/part moving drama about afterlife, with Bruce Willis (nominated for 6 Academy Awards)
17) Brand New Testament… Very very quirky movie where God’s daughter releases (on everyone’s cell phone) the date they are going to die….
* 18) A Little Bit of Heaven… with Kate Hudson as woman who finds out she is terminally ill.
19) PS I Love You… Wife finds letters from her dying husband to her… after he dies, with Swank and Butler
** 20) Biutiful….Inarritu directs, Bardem stars as the dying man
*** 21) Amour… touching movie about love between elderly French couple. It won the Academy Award for Best Foreign Language Film and was nominated in four other categories: Best Picture, Best Actress, Best Screenplay, and Best Director.
** 22 & 23) Dead Man Walking & The Green Mile… two very well done movies about death row.
*** 24) Kodachrome… on Netflix, recent movie with Ed Harris as disgruntled dying parent on road trip with his estranged son.
25) Whose Life Is It Anyway?… Richard Dreyfus as man who fights for his right to die.
The above starred *** shows are particularly recommended!
Also, for insightful and candid group discussions (non-Course) of death and dying, see “Death Cafe” website for meetings in your area…
Denver Death Cafe Hosted by Nancy English and Jackie Foglio…
Date: |
Sun., Oct. 21, 2018 |
Start time: |
3:30 p.m. (MST) |
End time: |
5:00 p.m. (MST) |
Status: |
Forthcoming |
Address: |
Tattered Cover Books (in the “Pit” in center of Store) 2526 East Colfax Ave. 80206 Denver, Co. |
Course Seminar on “Sex, Food, and Money”: Sun., 2/19, 1-3:30pm @ RMMC with Lyn Corona and Tim Wise
The Cheshire Cat told Alice in Wonderland… “you must be crazy, or else you wouldn’t be here. Everyone here is crazy.”
Sex, food, and money… things that seem to drive us all crazy at times! Perhaps drugs, rock and roll, shopping, and/or Denver football. Possible obsessions, maybe even addiction. And what about all those kinds of things that we think about and deal with everyday, that may not even feel like they are on the compulsive side. How does the Course approach such thoughts and behavior? How does forgiveness apply in dealing with these daily doings?
On 2/19 from 1:00 to 3:30pm on a Sunday afternoon, we will explore these ideas using Course verses that give us practical application of its principles in approaching these behaviors and attitudes.
“Sex, Food, and Money”
1:00-3:30pm, Sunday, Feb .19th @ the RMMC
Facilitated By Presenters (Lyn, Whitney, and Tim) from School for a Course in Miracles,
$45 (at door)
Free Introduction to A Course in Miracles: Wed. 10/3 @ 7pm @ RMMC,
Free Introduction to “A Course in Miracles” for Newcomers,
@ Rocky Mountain Miracle Center,
1939 S. Monroe St., Denver
Wed. Oct.3rd, 2018
Zoom Live Streaming Info
Zoom Videoconference Info It’s Easy, and Free to Download and Use!! |
Zoom is a new videoconferencing technology. Zoom is free to download, and free for you to attend another’s meeting (like any of our meetings) for as long as the meeting lasts.It is also free to have your own meetings with one to 50 people, for up to 40 minutes each time (and longer if you prefer more time for your own meetings, by paying a monthly fee).With Zoom, you can connect over your computer, with or without a webcam. So the choice is yours about how you connect – computer, smartphone, tablet, or ordinary phone.
Connecting from your PC or Mac or Smartphone or TabletTo connect from your computer is easy, just click on this link: will open a page in your web browser. The Zoom application will automatically download itself and run, and then connect you to our meeting. Depending on your system, you may need to click on a button to give permission to run the application. If your system doesn’t have a webcam, we won’t be able to see you, but you’ll still be able to see us, and everyone else on the call who does have a webcam.
Connecting by telephone from within the States… The U.S. number is 1-415-762-9988 When you connect, it will ask you for your Meeting ID: 574 917 6177(and then press “#”) Once you are on the call, you can Mute yourself by pressing the Star key (“*“) and then and Unmute (“6″) . Please mute yourself when not speaking to eliminate background noise. ——————————-
Connecting by telephone from another country… If you are outside of the US, here is the page from Zoom with the list of telephone numbers you can call. If you are calling from within the country listed, you don’t need to use the country code (the 2 or 3 numbers after the “+” sign), but depending on which country you’re in, you probably need to dial (0) before you dial the number. Countries #’s:
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